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Why don't Jewish people believe in Jesus?

True, a majority of the Jewish people do not accept Him, but the majority of Jewish people do not read their own scriptures as well. So with very little evidence to go on, they reject the Messiah because this is the only side they have ever heard.

Well, first of all….  Not all Jewish people reject Jesus as the Messiah.  A minority of us DO accept Him as Messiah and Messianic Jews are growing in numbers - even in Israel.

True, a majority of the Jewish people do not accept Him, but the majority of Jewish people do not read their own scriptures as well.  So with very little evidence to go on, they reject the Messiah because this is the only side they have ever heard.  It is like a jury rejecting the other side without hearing it.

So, the main three reasons why the Jewish people reject Jesus as Messiah are:

  1. He did not bring world peace.
  2. The “Christians” in history have treated us so badly – why would we want to believe in their leader?
  3. They believe he was just an ordinary man.

While there are many more reasons – these are usually at the top of the list.

And yes – there are answers to all of these. 

We hope to have a separate website up soon with more detailed answers.  In the meantime, a Messianic Jew named Dr. Michael Brown has an excellent five-volume series called “Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus.”   We highly recommend it.  It is on Amazon or our bookstore if you wish to order it.  He also has a YouTube channel with shorter video answers to these questions. Click here